Quick view Abies bornuelleriana Turkish Fir Seedling $6.99 Abies bornuelleriana or the Turkish Fir is a great tree choice for a yard or garden. Hailing from the Mediterranean, these classic looking evergreens are similar to Nordmann Firs with deep green silver-backed needles and stiff branches growing in a... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Pinus sylvestris Scotch Pine Seedling $6.99 Pinus sylvestris or Scotch Pine is a popular variety that grows throughout the world. Scotch Pine are often found in garden landscapes because they adapt to almost all climates. They grow with open branches, bearing 1-3" blue-green needles. Great option... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine Seedling $6.99 Pinus strobus or the Eastern White Pine comes from the east & central United States. It has been a staple of the lumber industry for hundreds of years. This fast growing tree is a great choice for everything from a landscaping specimen to massive... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Pinus Ponderosa Pine Seedling $6.99 Pinus ponderosa is found in forests throughout the west. This tree goes by many names, Blackjack Pine, Western Yellow Pine, Bull Pine, but is most widely just called Ponderosa Pine. Well known for its straight, reddish-bronze trunks, the Ponderosa grows... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Sequoia giganteum Giant Sequoia Seedling $6.99 Sequoia giganteum or Giant Sequoias can grow to be massive. They have bright reddish brown bark on enormous trunks. Though not as tall as Coast Redwoods, they have more mass. Giant Redwoods grow about 2 ft per year for the first 50-100 years. Giant... Compare Add to Cart