Sedum Stonecrop

Hardy sedum plants for sale. Sedum succulents make a great ground cover in flower beds and trailing down containers. Choose from colorful varieties like, angelina, album, rupestre, sieboldii and other stonecrops.

Sedum Stonecrop (SEE-dum)

There are over 800 sedum varieties that originate all over the world, from cold mountains to warm beaches. There are two main types, Small Stonecrops which are more cold hardy and Mexican Stonecrops that are frost tender. Sedum are low growing, ground cover succulents that are perfect in rock gardens, thus the common name of stonecrop.

Sedum offer many unique textures and colors. They grow best with several hours of sun. If they don't receive enough light their stems will stretch. These low maintenance plants are drought tolerant, thrive in poor soil and spread quickly to fill the desired area.

Mexican Stonecrops are warm climate sedum that are much larger leaved than their cold hardy relatives. The best known variety is Burro's Tail, which trails well, making it perfect for hanging baskets.  Other varieties, like Nussbaumerianum and Pork and Beans offer more bright colors.

These are perfect garden plants. Sedums are decorative between paving stones, great fillers in containers and create colorful groundcovers in landscaping. We know you'll enjoy these succulent plants as much as we do.