
How to Rejuvinate Succulent Container Gardens

Mar 8th 2014

How to Rejuvinate Succulent Container Gardens
With time, even the best succulent container gardens start to look overgrown and bedraggled. Taking a few minutes to spruce up the plants can get your container looking fresh and new again. You'll want to start by removing all of the old growth from the pot. Save anything that you want to re-use. Cut the tips off succulents that grow on long, thick stems like tender sedum and graptosedum. Strip off the bottom leaves, leaving a few inches of bare stem. Echeveria, sempervivum and other
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Echeveria Care Guide

Feb 20th 2013

Echeveria Care Guide
We were recently asked a series of questions by a customer about growing Echeveria indoors during the winter. So, we thought we’d post the information shared to hopefully help others. We were specifically discussing Echeveria, but it applies to all tender succulents. Climate Echeveria and other non-hardy succulents look amazing in patio planters. Echeveria are originally from Mexico and Central America. They aren’t used to the cold and will die in freezing temperatures. Just because yo
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Giant Succulent Echeveria Plants

Feb 12th 2012

Giant Succulent Echeveria Plants
Echeveria plants are a very large type of succulent. They look similar to sempervivums and both are often simply called Hens and Chicks. Both plants are drought resistant and can be propagated from offsets. However, here are a couple differences that are very useful to know when growing echeveria.Echeveria do not die after flowering like sempervivums. They are polycarpic. In other words, they can flower several times during their lives. So, if you are growing both semps and echeveria together, b
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