
Springtime Blooms... for this Succulent

Feb 18th 2015

Springtime Blooms... for this Succulent
This little succulent plant welcomes spring each year with an early bouquet of delicate pink flowers. Not just amazing for their unique growing shapes, succulents can also add bright colors to your garden with their one-of-a-kind flowers.This compact succulent is aptly named Crassula 'Springtime'. With the majority of succulent plants blooming in the summer, this one makes a great addition to containers for a bit of early color. Flowers will begin to appear between late winter and early sprin
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How Often to Water Succulents in Winter

Nov 3rd 2012

How Often to Water Succulents in Winter
Succulents, like hens and chicks, grow the most during the spring and summer. Once fall rolls around the plants like to take a break. During their fall/winter dormant period, watering should be reduced. Succulents that you keep inside or in a warm greenhouse during the winter (like echeveria and other tender succulents) should be watered only enough to prevent the roots from dying off. This can range between once every couple weeks and once every couple months. Cold hardy succulents like
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Succulent Plant Flowers

Aug 23rd 2012

Succulent Plant Flowers
Succulents are typically grown for their foliage. The unique shapes and leaf colors are the main attraction for these plants. However, succulents also display pretty little flowers. Because the foliage of succulents is so showy, it is commonly mistaken for a flower. Colorful Echeveria plants are frequently used in bouquets and flower arrangements where they are called “echeveria flowers.” These are the plants, not the flowers. Succulent plant flowers are typically dainty and grow on a flowe
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Trailing Succulent Plant

Aug 3rd 2012

Trailing Succulent Plant
Aptenia 'Variegata' is a great trailing succulent plant. There aren't a ton of succulents that make great trailing plants, but this is one of them. It is perfect to use in containers and hanging baskets. It also grows very quickly.We planted a large glazed pot with succulents on July 6th. A small Aptenia plant stuck down the side of the planter. By July 31st the same plant covered the side of the planter.Aptenia, often called Heartleaf Ice Plant, is also beautiful when planted in rock gardens, a
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Succulent Planters with Companion Plants

Jul 15th 2012

Succulent Planters with Companion Plants
Mass plantings of succulents are impressive. Like when you take 100s of sempervivum and plant a sea that rolls through your landscaping, swallowing plant beds in waves of red and green. However, succulents are also impressive for their stunning look when you only use a few plants.In containers with only a few succulents, companion plants (non-succulent plants that work well with succulents) are ideal for highlighting the unique forms and colors of the succulents. The varieties of companion plant
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