Succulent Planters with Companion Plants
Jul 15th 2012
Mass plantings of succulents are impressive. Like when you take 100s of sempervivum and plant a sea that rolls through your landscaping, swallowing plant beds in waves of red and green. However, succulents are also impressive for their stunning look when you only use a few plants.In containers with only a few succulents, companion plants (non-succulent plants that work well with succulents) are ideal for highlighting the unique forms and colors of the succulents. The varieties of companion plant
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Sun for Succulent Plants
Jul 12th 2012
A friend recently told me that they had done the impossible, they had killed their hen and chick plants in one day. The little succulent plants had been growing happily on a windowsill inside the house. On a summer day they were moved outside to enjoy some sunshine and promptly fried.
Aren't hens and chicks full sun plants though? Yes, they are, but when succulents grow inside they get pampered with constant temperatures and diluted light. When you move a plant from inside to outside it nee
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Drought Tolerant Succulents
Jun 24th 2012
Succulent plants, like sempervivum and sedums, excel at storing water. This makes them very forgiving in the face of neglect. Native to dry climates, these plants have several tricks that help them thrive when other plants would wither away with thirst.The thick fleshy leaves of succulents are built like water storage tanks. Besides this there are several other water saving features that can be seen on succulents.The waxy covering on leaves creates a barrier to water loss through evaporation.Hai
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Tips to Propagate Hens and Chicks
Jun 20th 2012
In the past week, several people have contacted me asking for information on propagating hens and chicks. I guess it is just that time of year again. As the weather warms from winter into spring, sempervivum plants begin to put out babies. By the time summer hits those baby chicks have grown quite a bit and people start to wonder, "Do I pull this chick off now, or leave it on the stem?"When to Propagate Offsets (that's the official name for the baby chicks produced by the mother plant) begi
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Succulent Plant Frame for Under $5
Jun 11th 2012
Living frames are a great way to get your plants off the ground and grown them vertically. They let you highlight your plants as an ever-changing work of art in the same way that you would display a framed picture inside your house. Although flowering plants are sometimes used in vertical picture frame planters, succulents from Young's are, of course, perfect for this type of project.The great range of colors and forms in succulents let you create a truly unique work of art. There are several tu
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