Hens and Chicks Up Close
May 12th 2012
Hens and Chicks grow in so many different colors. It makes them fun for tons of planting/home decoration ideas. Check out some close-up photos of hens and chicks (a common name for sempervivum plants). If you want a great variety of colors for your yard try our sempervivum variety pack.
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What are Succulent Plants?
May 9th 2012
Way too often I have people tell me about a great plant that they remember from years ago. They wish they knew what it was so they could buy another. Once they begin to describe the plant, it quickly becomes apparent that they are talking about a succulent.
There is such an enormous diversity among succulent plants. This is why they aren't always instantly recognized or remembered as succulents, but it is also one of the great draws for these plants. Succulents haven't always been particula
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Lord of the Succulent Plants
Apr 29th 2012
There are a lot of sempervivum cultivars with fun names. One breeder of new sempervivum plant cultivars, Betty Bronow, was a big fan of the Lord of the Rings. She named a bunch of the varieties she created after characters in J.R.R. Tolkien's books.
Boromir Eomer Eowyn Faramir Frodo Gollum Legolas Meriadoc Pippin Samwise Strider Theoden Treebeard
Betty Bronow lived from 1918-1997 in the US. Most of her sempervivum varieties were created in the 70's and 80's. All of her varieties that I ha
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Hanging Grow Bag for Succulent Plants
Apr 23rd 2012
Grow bag planters are another great option for succulent plants. The hanging grow bags available at Young's Garden give you another great option for vertical planting. These vertical bags are easy to hang and use with succulents. Here are a few ideas of how they could be used around your house to decorate with succulents:
On porch and patio postsAlong the fenceOn the mailbox postHanging from the deckBordering a DoorHanging down from the balconyGrow bags are easy to plant up with sempervivum, se
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Using Sphagnum Moss with Succulent Plants
Apr 15th 2012
Sphagnum moss can be an essential tool when planting succulents. It is commonly called peat moss, but that isn't what you want. Peat moss or sphagnum peat are dead, decayed moss. You may have seen bags of peat moss meant to be used as a soil conditioner. The stuff we are interested in for our succulent plants is long fiber sphagnum moss.Not all Sphagnum Moss is equal In a large city recently, I called half a dozen garden centers looking for long fiber sphagnum moss. No luck anywhere. I finally f
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