
How Late Can You Plant Hens and Chicks?

Oct 14th 2012

How Late Can You Plant Hens and Chicks?
As autumn hits we see dazzling colors on display. Not only do the trees show off their fiery fall hues, but hens and chicks kick things up a notch as well. The cooler temperatures bring out brilliant reds in sempervivum and jovibarba succulents. Varieties like jovibarba rollers with their bright red tips look so good, who wouldn't be tempted to plant some more in their yard. So, naturally, we start getting a lot of questions from people saying, "I really want to plant some more hens and chick
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Jovibarba Hen and Chicks

Sep 6th 2012

Jovibarba Hen and Chicks
Hens and Chicks. This is the common name used to refer to Sempervivum, Jovibarba, and Echeveria. Sempervivum and Jovibarba are very similar. So similar that it can often be difficult to distinguish between them. Although most of the characteristics and care requirements of Sempervivum and Jovibarba are identical, there are a couple identifying traits. Jovibarba are a separate plant genus from Sempervivum. They come from the alpine regions of southeastern Europe making them extremely cold ha
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Flowers on Hens and Chicks

Jul 25th 2012

Flowers on Hens and Chicks
Hens and chicks aren’t typically known for their flowers. Many people are unaware that these succulents even produce flowers. When summer hits it can be startling to see a familiar plant begin to grow in such an unfamiliar way. Don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong, it’s just part of the natural life cycle of the plant.A rosette is the typical form of hen and chick plants. When the center of that rosette starts to grow upwards then you know it’s the beginning of the end. The center of
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Hens and Chicks Up Close

May 12th 2012

Hens and Chicks Up Close
Hens and Chicks grow in so many different colors. It makes them fun for tons of planting/home decoration ideas. Check out some close-up photos of hens and chicks (a common name for sempervivum plants). If you want a great variety of colors for your yard try our sempervivum variety pack.
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Lord of the Succulent Plants

Apr 29th 2012

Lord of the Succulent Plants
There are a lot of sempervivum cultivars with fun names. One breeder of new sempervivum plant cultivars, Betty Bronow, was a big fan of the Lord of the Rings. She named a bunch of the varieties she created after characters in J.R.R. Tolkien's books. Boromir Eomer Eowyn Faramir Frodo Gollum Legolas Meriadoc Pippin Samwise Strider Theoden Treebeard Betty Bronow lived from 1918-1997 in the US. Most of her sempervivum varieties were created in the 70's and 80's. All of her varieties that I ha
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