Hens and Chicks Plant Containers
Mar 4th 2012
As I look at glazed ceramic pots, ironworks, decorative planters and pretty much anything else that could hold a little dirt, I find myself thinking, "Hens and Chicks would look great in that!"I recently found a wire chicken container that looked like it was made to plant up with Hens and Chicks. So, here's a little step-by-step in planting up containers that aren't solid.
All you need is the container, potting soil, sphagnum moss and the hen and chick plants.Soak the sphagnum moss in a bowl of
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Giant Succulent Echeveria Plants
Feb 12th 2012
Echeveria plants are a very large type of succulent. They look similar to sempervivums and both are often simply called Hens and Chicks. Both plants are drought resistant and can be propagated from offsets. However, here are a couple differences that are very useful to know when growing echeveria.Echeveria do not die after flowering like sempervivums. They are polycarpic. In other words, they can flower several times during their lives. So, if you are growing both semps and echeveria together, b
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