How Often to Water Succulents in Winter
Nov 3rd 2012
Succulents, like hens and chicks, grow the most during the spring and summer. Once fall rolls around the plants like to take a break. During their fall/winter dormant period, watering should be reduced.
Succulents that you keep inside or in a warm greenhouse during the winter (like echeveria and other tender succulents) should be watered only enough to prevent the roots from dying off. This can range between once every couple weeks and once every couple months.
Cold hardy succulents like
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How Late Can You Plant Hens and Chicks?
Oct 14th 2012
As autumn hits we see dazzling colors on display. Not only do the trees show off their fiery fall hues, but hens and chicks kick things up a notch as well. The cooler temperatures bring out brilliant reds in sempervivum and jovibarba succulents. Varieties like jovibarba rollers with their bright red tips look so good, who wouldn't be tempted to plant some more in their yard. So, naturally, we start getting a lot of questions from people saying, "I really want to plant some more hens and chick
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Giant Succulent Echeveria Plants
Feb 12th 2012
Echeveria plants are a very large type of succulent. They look similar to sempervivums and both are often simply called Hens and Chicks. Both plants are drought resistant and can be propagated from offsets. However, here are a couple differences that are very useful to know when growing echeveria.Echeveria do not die after flowering like sempervivums. They are polycarpic. In other words, they can flower several times during their lives. So, if you are growing both semps and echeveria together, b
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